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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tribute to my class mate and fellow goof off - George Pritchard Harris


  • ‎"Judging another is simply a way of holding a mirror up to yourself." Oreja Parada
    17 hours ago ·  · 
      • Mark Ganzer Glenn - I'm sure they meant they were lookin' for some dude 6' 9" or taller, cuz we all know that the Spiller is a Filler
        3 hours ago · 
      • Mark Ganzer Mike Huston - who admires you, George, and is the man I most admire when it comes to choices of reading materials - constantly must admonish me that "It is rude to impute motive." Only when I impute motive do I judge. Otherwise, it is just the fax, mam, just the fax. I may deem that some action or another had tragic results, comic results, or whatever, but I will not judge the why some gal or guy out of the clear blue sky hauled off and went "nutzoid."
        2 hours ago · 
  • ‎"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." Noam Chomsky
    Friday at 9:00am ·  · 
    • Bradley Fitzgerald and 2 others like this.
      • Jeff Wade Neptune is where it's at.
        Friday at 12:14pm · 
      • Mark Ganzer Chomsky always has a way of expressing obvious truths that is both amusing, and profound
        Friday at 1:30pm · 

Family Values

Blurred photos - interesting oriental views

Sri Lanka is lovely beyond words - old, new, modern, ancient, vibrant, quite alive

In honor of my Sri Lankan reader, some photos from that gorgeous country